Mongu Diocesan Drumbeat May 2013
Charity is our nature
We are familiar with the old saying which says, ‘Charity begins at home’. Many people have managed to do the impossible in their lives and their local communities when they have reflected on this saying. Our personal
Charity starts from where other peoples’ charity ends.
This month, I would like to reflect with you on the theme of Charity and its implication in the life of the Church.We are aware of many charitable organizations at work around us! We know some people who are referred to as charitable persons! At one stage in our lives we have said, that family is generous or those people are kind and generous.
As members of Mongu Diocese, you continue to participate in some contributions like: Mpo ya Ka Ku Mulimu (My Gift to God), Family Card, Offering in Kind, Harvest Sunday Festivals, Targets, Sunday Collections, the monthly 10% from parish income, Thanksgiving, Seminarians’ Fund, PMS collections and other contributions needed within the Church. I am thankful for all these contributions and the efforts which most of you put into making these contributions.
The spirit of charity is a spirit that builds and empowers. St. Paul becomes an example of someone wanting to sustain himself. At Corinth, Paul joined Aquila and Priscilla in the trade of tent-making for his sustenance. Paul was also aware of the generosity of those who helped in many ways for him to be able to carry out his missionary activities. As a diocese, I am grateful for the generosity of the people of the diocese who have contributed from the little they have so that the diocese can continue doing her pastoral ministry. I am also grateful to many foreign donors (individuals and organizations) who continue to support the life of the diocese.
As we think of charity and our contributions, it will be good to ponder on the following questions:
- Looking at the various contributions we offer in the diocese, is this how far we can go so that the diocese can be self-sustainable?
- What do we have at our disposal in order to help the diocese be self-sustainable?
- Have we generously exhausted our generosity that we cannot continue giving enough of the little we have for the sake of the diocese?
- Should our efforts be more on outside contributions than on the local contributions? Is the level of our faith matching with the level of our giving?
- We are aware that the diocese is located in a province that is least developed and statistically the poorest in the country. Shall we take this status of the Province as an excuse for not doing much to improve our various contributions despite the diocese having about 66,000 Catholics?
As we look forward to the end of the Year of Faith in November, our charity must be motivated by our faith. At individual, family, Section, Out Station, Zone, Institution, Lay Organizations and Parish levels, I invite you to a moment of reflection and commitment to the various forms of contributions to the life of the diocese.
+Evans Chinyama Chinyemba, O.M.I.
Bishop of Mongu
Corpus Christi Sunday 2nd June, 2013. All Parishes in the Diocese are reminded to prepare and celebrate an hour of Eucharist adoration starting at 17:00hrs. Eucharist is the center of our faith.
Spirituality of Offering
Peter said: “Look! We have left our homes to follow you.” “Yes”, Jesus replied, “and I assure you that
anyone who leaves home or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the Kingdom of God
will receive much more in this present age, and eternal life in the age to come.” (Luke 18: 28-30). The Apostles who left their homes and surrendered in this way their means of income were not forgotten. Jesus’ answer to Peter shows that indeed their generous giving away of their possessions was well remembered by God, and they will be rewarded. This is true, not only for the Apostles, but it is true for the whole Church, and it is true for us today. What we give away for the service of God is recorded by our generous God and the reward will come at its own good time. Can we remember the words of Jesus, and learn to give generously to the Church, for the growth of his Kingdom on earth?
There are many ways in which the Church invites us to give:
1. Giving of our income: For projects of the entire Church, the Diocese and Parishes. We cannot
be stingy in this matter, we need to learn to be generous, as Christ promises reward of a hundredfold. How can we fail to have faith in His Word? It is regrettable indeed that so many of our Christians give such a small part of their income. Indeed, if we have faith, we should willingly and without fear give even the tenth part of what we earn. The promise of reward is so explicit. What is promised is “much more in this present age, and eternal life in the age to come.” How can we doubt? The wisdom of Sirach tells us, ‘Do not appear before the Lord empty-handed, for all these things are to be done because of the commandment… With every gift show a cheerful face, and dedicate your tithe with gladness.’(Cf. Sirach 35: 1-12).
2. Giving of our time: For the work of the Church, for the service of the poor, for the help of the needy. Jesus said: “Whenever you did this to the least of my brothers, you did it for me…” (Mt 25: 40). Can we fear that those good actions will be forgotten?
3. Giving of our life: As lived through various vocations in life. We can make the gift of our lives
in total peace of heart, knowing that Christ will keep his promise for us, as he kept it for his
first disciples.
We can only pray that by the grace of God we grow in faith and we learn to be more generous to our God and to His Church. By so doing we contribute to the building of God’s Kingdom here on earth.
Fr. Robert Lavertu, M.Afr
St. Gabriel Parish, Namushakende
GRATITUDEZAS, ARMZ and AZADCC executives sincerely thank all the Lay faithful, Priests and Religious men and women who attended the workshop on 29th and 30th April, 2013 facilitated by Fr. Cletus Mwiila from Monze Diocese. In his sharing he challenged the participates to ask themselves questions such as: What is my contribution towards the Church? Do I foster communion? He also challenged the participates to work together as a team in this year of faith and as a team to find the sacred spaces of the diocese.
ZAS Co-Chairperson.
PASTORAL COORDINTOR’S DESKLiturgical WorkshopFrom 1st – 2nd May, the Liturgical Commission in conjuction with the National Pastoral Office conducted a two days workshop on Liturgical formation. During the workshop some liturgical abuses were discussed. The spirit of the workshop was to enhance the Universality of the Catholic Church in the way that we celebrate liturgical events in the Church. Ten parishes took part in the workshop:-St. Jude-Senanga, St. Gabriel - Namushakende, St. John’s -Katongo, Lourdes Cathedral, Mongu, St. Lawrence - Limulunga, St. Francis –Malengwa, St. Martin’s - Kaoma, Holy Spirit - Sitaka, St. Michael’s -Kalabo and St. Joseph’s – Mangango.
The workshop was conducted by Fr. Boniface Sakala, ZEC Naional Pastoral Office and Fr. Kennedy Seketa from St. Dominic’s. We sincerely thank the two priests for facilitating the workshop and for highlighting some of the liturgical abuses that occur in our liturgies.
Fr. Gregory Muliya, Past. Coord.
Charismatic Renewal New Dawn Conference
God is indeed faithful, on behalf of the Steering Team for the New Dawn Conference in Mongu. I wish to inform you all that the New Dawn Conference for the year 2013 was successful. The theme for this year’s conference was “Come Lord Jesus, Do not Delay”. The conference begun on Monday, 22nd April and finished on Sunday, 28th April, 2013. During the conference there was a witness walk in Mongu town which was lead by a team from Lusaka. The Zambia Police Traffic helped a lot in controlling the crowds as the group went through the town doing evangelization.
We thank God for the gift of Fr. Pat and Myles who brought this conference to our Diocese. Thank you to Bro. Pious, OFMCap, from Congo DRC for facilitating at the conference. The conference was very Eucharistic, Marian, Charismatic, Liturgical, Mystical, Sacramental and the whole family of God was there. The participants were drawn from the twelve parishes of our diocese and other came as far as Lusaka and copperbelt. At the end of the New Dawn Conference, Bro. Pious Kintu, had time to minister in various parishes at the invitation of the parish priests.
Sincere gratitude to all the priests who took time to minister to the people at the New Dawn Conference and all those who accompanied the people throughout the conference. Special thanks to Fr. Wilfrid Hodari and the parishioners of St. Agatha for their warm welcome and for hosting the people in their parish. Thank you also to Fr. Joseph Kang’ombe, O.M.I., for offering accommodation to the people at the Youth Center. We appreciate all the work done by the Staff at Oblate Radio Liseli for airing all the New Dawn Conference activities from day one to the end.
Fr. Ignatius Muyunda.
Seminarians’ week for 2013 will be held at Sepo Convent, Malengwa from
17th – 21st June, 2013. Seminarians take note of the dates!
St. Dominic’s Major Seminary Students.
Name Parish assigned to:-
Emmanuel Likando Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral
Eric Munango St. Lawrence Parish, Limulunga
Alfred Mukanaka Chalwe St. Peter the Rock, Nalwei
Philip Sikuka Phiri St. Agatha Parish, Kapulanga
Alfred M. Ng’ongolo St. John’s Parish, Katongo
Peter Sianga Namakola St. Martin de Porres Parish, Kaoma
Pastoral Year Students (2013 -2014)
Gabriel Handenge Holy Spirit Parish, Sitaka
O’Brien S. Mwanza St. Lawrence Parish, Limulunga
Daniel Mukumbi St. John’s Katongo
Eric Namuyamba who is currently on pastoral year in Sitaka will complete his program on the 28th of July, 2013.
There will be an Ordination for Deacon Peter K. Kashina on Saturday 15th June, 2013, at St. Martin de Porres Parish , Kaoma., Mass starts at 9:00 hours. Let us continue praying for Deacon Kashina so that he continues to respond to God’s call..
Fr. Callistus Kabindama, Vocation Director
Attention to All Priests
Priests’ Council Meeting will take place on 14th June, 2013, at the Catholic
Centre, at the usual time. Not in Kaoma as earlier announced.
The catechetical Team would like to congratulate the 33 participants on their completion of the Catechizer certification Course on 8th May, 2013. We wish the pilot group success as they continue evangelizing. Catechetical Office
OUR LADY OF LOURDES CATHEDRAL, MONGUA catechizers certification course phase 1 was held at Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral from 15th – 19th April, 2013. Twenty-seven participants were draw from St. John’s, St. Agatha, St. Francis and Lourdes Cathedral. The following topics:- Social Teaching of the Church, Mariology, Vocation, Pastoral approach, the Bible in the Catholic Church and the Sacrament of healing and of service, were presented by various presenters. We thank the participants, the Catechetical Office and we thank the facilitators for the good and inspiring presentations. Mrs. C. Mwaambu, Lourdes Parish
ST. JUDE PARISH, SENANGASt. Jude Parish had organized a Small Christian Communities choir competition, in which five Small Christian
Communities participated – St. Paul, St. Francis, St. Joseph, St. Theresa and St. Patrick’s. The competition comprised of four categories Gloria, Sanctus, Holy Communion and Year of faith song. The competition started at 8:00 hours with Mass and closed at 15:00 hours. Each Choir prepared four songs according to the categories. St. Patrick’s Small Christian Community carried the day as they walked away with the first
prize, followed by St. Theresa- second position, third position was scoped by St. Joseph. Fourth position was awarded to St. Francis and the fifth and last position St. Paul. The Parish Priest, Fr. Sylvester Kape thanked the people who organized the event and encouraged them to do so very often and he added that the choir competition was part of the year of faith expressed through songs. He also thanked the choirs that participated in the choir competition.
Mr. Davies Lungu.
Congratulations to:
- Very Rev. Dr. Kibombwe, OMI, and Scholastic Musaba, OMI, for their academic achievements.
They graduated on, May 10, 2013 in the United States of America. We are proud of you! God bless you.
- Sr. Kasumi Tairo, CMS, on her election as co-chairpersons; Sr. Annie Chanda, HCS and Sr. Cecilia Zavala, CCVI on their election as Co-Secretaries and Sr. Laura Campos, CCVI and Sr. Matildah Chanda,
- SHSp on their election as Co-Treasurers for Mongu ZAS Branch.Congratulations to them all and God’s blessings.
- Sr. Sylvia Kambombi, HBVM on her appointment as a committee member for All - Africa Conference: Sister – Sister (AACSS)
Welcome to:
- Sr. Mable Malambo, SHS and Fr. Cletus Mwiila who visited the diocese from 27th April -1st May, 2013. We are grateful for their visit.
- Sr. Prisca Chuzu, HBVM, who visited the Handmaid Sisters for a week in Mongu. We hope you had a good time visiting the sisters. Sister Prisca, has since gone back to Lusaka
- Brain Banda and Kizito Chalwe from JCTR offices in Lusaka who came for one day validation workshop on participation of women in decision making process in the Catholic Church.
- Fr. Sakala and Fr. Seketa, from Natioinal Pastoral Office who come for a two days Liturgical workshop in Limulunga. We appreciate your visit.
Farewell to:
- Sr. Rose McHugh, SHSp who has since left for her three months home leave. We wish Sr. Rose, SHSp a fruitful holiday as she unites with family and friends. Enjoy your rest.
- Sr. Rosa Margarita Valdes, CCVI, who has since gone back home to Mexico for further assignment. Sr. Rosema, CCVI, thank you very much for all the work and services you have rendered to the diocese during the time you have been with us. Know that you are greatly missed by the people of Mongu Diocese, especially the mothers and their babies at Mother and Infant Care (MIC) program. God bless you in your new Ministry.
- Fr. Peter Kwaleyela, who has gone for formation studies in the United States of America. We wish Fr. Peter a safe trip and success in his studies. Upon completion of his studies he will be based in Lusaka at Emmaus Spirituality Center.
Condolences to:
- Fr. Leo Ululi on the bereavement they had in the family. Let us pray for his family so that they may be comforted. May the soul of the departed rest in peace.
- Fr. Matthew Ngwenya, OFMCap on the bereavement they had in the family. Let us pray for his family so that they may be strengthened in the Lord. May the soul of the departed rest in peace
- Fr. Micheal Ngosa on the death of his sister in law Mrs. Scholatica Daka Ngosa in Lusaka. She was put to rest on 7th May, 2013. May her soul rest in peace. Say a prayer for Fr. Ngosa and his family to be comforted in the Lord.
- Fr. Sylvester Kape, OFMCap on the death of his nephew in Samfya. May his soul rest in peace. Let us say a prayer for Fr. Kape and his family, so that they may be comforted in the Lord.
- Sr. Regina Sinjwala, HC on the death of her elder brother, Mr. Edwin M. Sinjwala, who died on the 7th May, 2013 and was put to rest on 9th May, 2013 in Malengwa. Let us pray for Sr. Regina, HC and her family during this grieving period. May his soul rest in the hands of the Lord.
- Scholastic Godfrey Mwansa, OMI, Who is on regency year in Kalabo, on the death of his cousin John Zulu 31, who died on 5th May, 2013 at the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) . He was put to rest on the 7th of May, 2013.
- Bo Maimbolwa Mazeko on the death of her Uncle. Let us pray for the family to be comforted during this grieving period. May his soul rest in Eternal peace.
- Fr. Joseph K. Kang’ombe, O.M.I on the death of his Uncle, Mr. Spaita Chilekwa Mpundu Kang’ombe who passed on. Let us pray for the family of Mr. Spaita Kang’ombe to be strengthened in the Lord during this grieving period. May his soul rest in the hands of the Lord.
Bishop’s ScheduleJune, 2013
15th Diocesan Ordination Kaoma
17th – 21st Seminarians Week Sepo, Malengwa
22nd – 23rd Confirmations Senanga
29th – 8th July O.M.I Bishops’ Meeting Durban, South Africa